1 活動資料 2 申請人資料 3 申請人的家長或監護人資料 4 病歷 5 館規 6 聲明 7 國際體育會大聯盟使用條件 I. 活動資料 PARTICULARS OF ACTIVITY活動編號*活動名稱* II. 申請人資料 PARTICULARS OF APPLICANT申請人姓名 Name (英文in English) :*申請人姓名 Name (中文in Chinese)(如適用 if applicable)出生日期 Date of Birth :*Day12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031Month123456789101112Year2025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995199419931992199119901989198819871986198519841983198219811980197919781977197619751974197319721971197019691968196719661965196419631962196119601959195819571956195519541953195219511950194919481947194619451944194319421941194019391938193719361935193419331932193119301929192819271926192519241923192219211920性別 Sex*男Male女Female香港身份證號碼 Hong Kong Identity Card No. :*通訊地址 Correspondence Address*電話號碼Tel. No. (日間Daytime):*手提電話/傳呼機號碼Mobile /Pager No.:*傳真號碼Fax No. :*電郵地址E-mail Address:* III. 申請人的家長或監護人資料PARTICULARS OF PARENT OR GUARDIAN OF APPLICANT (只供未滿18歲申請人的家長或監護人填寫) (to be completed by the parent or guardian of an applicant under the age of 18)監護人姓名 Name (英文in English) :監護人姓名 Name (中文in Chinese) (如適用 if applicable) 監護人出生日期 Date of Birth :Day12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031Month123456789101112Year2025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995199419931992199119901989198819871986198519841983198219811980197919781977197619751974197319721971197019691968196719661965196419631962196119601959195819571956195519541953195219511950194919481947194619451944194319421941194019391938193719361935193419331932193119301929192819271926192519241923192219211920監護人性別 Sex男Male女Female監護人香港身份證/旅行證件號碼 Hong Kong Identity Card/Travel Document No.:通訊地址 (如與申請者地址不同)監護人電話號碼Tel. No. (日間Daytime):監護人電郵地址E-mail Address: 與申請人關係 Relationship with the applicant :父 Father母 Mother監護人 Guardian IV. 病歷 Diagnosed是否有任何胸部或呼吸問題 [例如: 哮喘、支氣管炎、肺結核或其他呼吸器官問題,包括流鼻血]?*Any chest or breathing complaint (e.g. asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis or other respiratory problem including nasal bleeding)?否 No是 Yes如有, 請說明是否有任何心臟的疾病或胸口疼痛 [例如: 風濕性發熱、高血壓、心絞痛、心臟雜音、心臟驟停], 或其他血液或血管疾病?*Any heart problem or chest pain (e.g. rheumatic fever, raised blood pressure, angina, murmur, heart attack) or other problem of the blood or blood vessels?否 No是 Yes如有, 請說明是否有任何精神或腦部失常問題而影響神經系統 [例如: 癲癇、癱瘓、頭暈、長期頭痛、身體失去平衡或抽搐]?*Any mental or brain disorder or problem affecting the nervous system (e.g. epilepsy, paralysis, numbness, dizziness, prolonged headache, loss of balance of fits)?否 No是 Yes如有, 請說明是否有背部、脊椎、肌肉或關節疼痛或其他疾病,痛風或其他身體殘疾或任何影響視力、說話能力和聽覺的疾病?*Any pain or other problem in your back, spine, muscle or joint, gout or other physical disability or condition affecting sight, speech or hearing ?否 No是 Yes如有, 請說明是否過去在任何醫院、診所或醫務所接受,以上各題沒有提及的疾病、手術或其他醫療諮詢或治療?*Did you have attended any hospital, clinic or doctor for illness, operation or other medical advice or treatment not stated under any previous questions?否 No是 Yes如有, 請說明* 本人確認以上一切資料為真實及正確。 I here to declare that all the information above is true and correct. * 本人會正確地使用跆拳道。 I shall use Taekwondo properly and correctly. * 本人完全承擔一切在練習其間中之任何傷亡。 I shall solely hold all the responsibilities by myself in the event of any injury or death sustained during training. V. 館規 Rules and Regulations 學員必須絕對服從教練之教導並尊敬師長及同門。 Obey the coach and respect others. 不得藉本館名義惹事生非。 No hooliganism in name of our Kwan. 不得持技凌人,欺侮他人。 Bully, humiliate and persecute others is strictly prohibited. 不得誹謗別會名義及侮辱他人。 No slanderous and insulting behavior to others. 除正常之搏擊之訓練外,一律嚴禁私鬥。 No sparring without permission and fighting is strictly prohibited.* 本人定必遵守國際體育會大聯盟之館規。 I here to declare that I will follow and obey all the rules and regulations in International Sport Federation Limited. VI. 聲明 DECLARATION (未滿18歲的申請人須由家長或監護人簽署) (Applicants under the age of 18 must have their application form signed by a parent or guardian.)* 本人謹此聲明 I hereby declare that 本表格內填報的資料均屬真實及完整;及本人將遵守國際體育會大聯盟用戶使用條件。 我的健康及體能良好,適宜參加上述活動。如果我因本人的疏忽或健康或體能欠佳,而引致於參加這項活動時傷亡,國際體育會大聯盟則無須負責。 本人清楚明白參加該活動存在一定危險性,本人願意遵照教練及工作人員的指示,並同意該活動進行時如因本人疏忽引致任何受傷/死亡或財物損失,本人自願承擔一切後果,亦不會向國際體育會大聯盟作出任何申索。 在簽署此責任聲明後,如本人健康狀況有改變,本人承諾盡快向會方申報。 本人清楚及了解已報讀之課程時間表,並明白所有課程一經辨理,所有費用則不予發還亦不設報堂。本人願意遵照學員須知所有條款。 本人亦清楚明白,在簽署此報名表之前,本人有權就上述之內容尋求及聽取法律意見。 由2016年1月起,各學員必須簽妥活動報名表內的責任聲明,假若資料不齊全,本會有權拒絕報名及保留最終決定權。 The information I have provided in this form is true and complete; and I will abide by the Conditions of Use of International Sport Federation Limited. I am healthy, physically fit, and suitable to participate in the above activity. International Sport Federation Limited shall not be liable for any injury or death which I may suffer in this activity, if the cause of injury or death is due to my own negligence or inadequacy in health and fitness. VII. 國際體育會大聯盟使用條件 Conditions of Use for International Sport Federation Limited 未滿18歲的申請人須由家長或監護人簽署申請表。 Applicants under the age of 18 must have their application form signed by a parent or guardian. 2. 個人資料如有更改,用戶須以書面通知國際體育會大聯盟 (地址:上水龍琛路10號1樓A室) 。 If there is any change of personal data, notification should be made in writing to the International Sport Federation Limited (Address: Room A, 1/F, 10 Lung Sum Avenue, Sheung Shui Hong Kong). 3. 報名參加活動的申請獲得接納與否,須視乎有關設施的供應情況或有關活動的名額而定。 Enrolments are accepted subject to the availability of the sports facilities to be booked or quotas in the recreation and sports programmers. 4. 申請人必須遵守所有規則及/或條件。 An applicant should abide by all rules and/or conditions. 5. 如申請人填報虛假資料,本會取消其申請。 If applicant furnishes forged document, his/her application will be invalid. 6. 國際體育會大聯盟保留權利,可隨時增刪或修訂上述條款的權利,而無需給予任何理由和預先通知。 International Sport Federation Limited reserves the right to add, delete and amend the above terms and conditions without giving any reason and prior notice. VIII. 收集個人資料的目的 Purpose of Collection 國際體育會大聯盟會將申請人在本表格內提供的個人資料用於: (a) 進行申請活動;及 (b) 協助本會與申請人溝通。 The personal data provided by means of this form will be used by the International Sport Federation Limited for the following purposes: (a) Carrying out of application activities; and (b) Facilitating communication between the International Sport Federation Limited and yourself. 提供上述資料純屬自願。不過,如果你不提供充分的資料,本會可能無法處理貴申請人的活動申請。 The provision of personal data by means of this form is voluntary. If you do not provide sufficient information, we may not be able to process your application for inclusion as a LCSD supplier for issuing tender invitations. VIII. 查閱個人資料 Access to Personal Data 根據《個人資料(私隱)條例》第18條、第22條及附表1的第6原則,貴公司有權查閱及改正個人資料。貴公司查閱個人資料的權利,包括可索取一份載有個人資料的申請表的副本。 You have a right of access and correction with respect to personal data under Sections 18 and 22 and Principle 6 of Schedule 1 of Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. Your right of access includes the right to obtain a copy of your personal data provided by this form.* 本人明白及願意遵守使用條件。 按此下載報名表格